Although I continue to write scholarly articles for publication in print, I am deeply committed to the Open Access movement and have published papers in peer-reviewed online journals (see curriculum vitae) and developed a number of online resources over the past 22 years. In August 2018, I joined the Scholastic Commentaries and Texts Archive (SCTA) as Florilegia Editor ( Several of the online editions outlined below have been or are in process of being developed for SCTA.

The Electronic Manipulus florum Project
Launched in 2002 and completed in its first iteration in 2013, this Open Access critical edition of Thomas of Ireland’s influential florilegium is equipped with an innovative intertextuality search engine (Janus) that allows researchers to compare an entire digitized Latin text to the whole of the Manipulus in a single search query. The online edition is currently on hiatus, but there are plans to revamp and standardize the entire edition for as part of the Digital Auctores Project.

The Compendium moralium notabilium Project
In 2013, as the Manipulus florum edition was nearing completion, I launched an online edition of this important florilegium that was compiled at about the same time as the Manipulus (first decade of the 14th century), but by a layman and civil judge in Italy named Geremia da Montagnone who was involved in the proto-humanist circle at Padua; the Compendium thus stands as an early renaissance florilegium that is markedly different from the Manipulus and other florilegia compiled by scholastic theologians for ecclesiastical purposes. This text is currently being developed for SCTA as part of the Digital Auctores Project.

The Manipulus florum/Lucula noctes Project
This is an Open Access revised edition of a scholastic treatise against humanist learning that was composed by Giovanni Dominici, a Florentine Dominican, at the beginning of the 15th century. It revises the 1940 critical edition by E. Hunt by noting quotations that were almost certainly derived by Dominici from a copy of the Manipulus florum, providing links for each derivative quotation to a source apparatus document that displays the quotation in parallel columns with its sources, including the Manipulus. This project began in Fall 2015 and was completed in March 2016.

The Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online (CLIO) Project
Launched in Fall 2015 and completed in June 2022, this Open Access project provides transcriptions of three Latin translations of John Chrysostom's 88 homilies on the Gospel of John, and a critical edition of another translation. For details, see the project website:

The Chrysostomus Latinus in Mattheum Online (CLIMO) Project
Launched in Summer 2020, this Open Access project seeks to provide transcriptions of all three Latin translations of John Chrysostom's 90 homilies on the Gospel of Matthew, following the template of the CLIO Project.

The Manipulus/ Consolatorium
Launched in May 2024 and completed in December of that year, this Open Access project documents the extensive reception of Manipulus florum by Johannes von Dambach OP in his Consolatorium theologicum (1342)​, based on the 1494 first edition.

Electronic Sources for the Council of Constance
This website, developed in collaboration with Phillip H. Stump, provided 11 Latin sermon transcriptions from early editions from 2003 to 2020, when the website (Electronic Sources for the Council of Constance) was retired. Those sermons are now provided on

A Bibliographical Register of Sermons and other Orations Delivered at the Council of Constance
First published in January 2006 by the Bibliographical Society of America’s BibSITE, and supplanted by a second edition in August 2007, this resource is the product of my collaboration with Phillip H. Stump over about a decade. It supercedes the Predigtenregister published by H. Finke in the 1920s.

The Digital Liber pharetrae Project
The first phase of this Open Access edition, launched in 2014, was completed in the Fall of 2015, when the version published in 1866 by A.C. Peltier was fully rendered as a digital edition. The next phase will involve converting the text into the version that appears in the earliest dated manuscript of this florilegium, which was probably compiled at Paris about 50 years before the Manipulus. This edition was published on SCTA in August 2019.

The Manipulus/ Scotichronicon Project
Launched and completed in 2016, this Open Access resource provides revised editions of select chapters from D.E.R. Watt's critical edition of Walter Bower's Scotichronicon (mid-15th century), demonstrating Bower's reception of the Manipulus florum. Like the Manipulus/Lucula project, the instances of Manipulus florum influence are documented in PDF files modeled on the Fons/Fontes apparatus files developed for the Electronic Manipulus florum Project.

The Libellus de Patientia Project
In 2019 I collaborated with my former MA student, Samantha James, in launching this website for another case of Manipulus florum reception in this early 16th-century treatise; the website provides our Latin edition of the text, my English translation, and a link to Sam's 2014 MA thesis.

The Digital
Viridarium consolationis
Launched in April 2020 and completed in January 2023, this revised edition of the text, published in 1880 by Luigi Tosti from a 15th-century manuscript, is modelled on the Digital Liber pharetrae Project. Since February 2023, it has been searchable via the Janus intertextuality search engine.