I'm a Professor of History at Wilfrid Laurier University, in Waterloo, Ontario, where I have taught courses on medieval, renaissance and early modern Europe since 1997. My graduate studies were pursued at the University of Toronto, where I received my MA in History in 1990 and my PhD in History in 1996...
In June 2014 I delivered an invited research presentation at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania, entitled “Digital florilegia: the Manipulus florum and Compendium moralium notabilium projects...and beyond”.

Launched in 2015 and completed in June 2022, the Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online (CLIO) Project provides open access transcriptions of three Latin translations, and a critical edition of a fourth translation, of John Chrysostom's 88 Greek homilies on the Gospel of John. For more information, see the project website: https://clioproject.net.
Since Fall 2019, I've been working on a companion project, the Chrysostomus Latinus in Mattheum Online (CLIMO) Project, for which I received internal seed funding in 2021 to support its launch:
https://climo-project.wlu.ca. I expect to resume work on the CLIMO Project in 2025.
In 2021 I was awarded a five-year grant to develop new and enhance existing open access resources for the study of medieval Latin florilegia for the "Digital Auctores Project."

In May 2014 I organized a bilingual colloquium at Wilfrid Laurier University on the construction and reception of Thomas of Ireland's Manipulus florum for a group of Canadian and international scholars, with support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Laurier's Office of Research Services.
The proceedings of this meeting, which I co-edited with Dr. Jacqueline Hamesse (U. Louvain) and Dr. Maria Jose MÅ©noz Jiménez (U. Madrid), were published in 2019 by PIMS Publishers. For more information, visit: https://pims.ca/publication/isbn-978-0-88844-832-3/.